House Names, House Numbers & Personalised Letterboxes
The House Nameplate company was established in 1986 with the idea of creating beautiful handcrafted house signs, numbers and letterboxes. We remain a privately-owned business.
Over the last 30 years we have extended our product range to include slate, acrylic, brass, aluminium, granite and ceramic. All of our cutting, polishing, sand blasting and laser engraving is done at our workshops in North Wales.
Our vision is to be the premier innovator, supplier and manufacturer of “Front of House” products ranging from door furniture, house signs, house numbers, letterboxes and recycling bins. Our personalised products and our extensive range of bespoke personalisation places us at the forefront of this market.
Horse & Pet Memorials
In recent years we have moved into memorials for the human natural burial, horses and pets. Offering a broad range of personalised products to help people remember the life of loved ones.
Slate House and Stable Signs
These are hand crafted to the highest quality in our Welsh workshop. We have a large range of shapes, motifs, fonts and colours to help you personalise your slate house sign and make it truly unique. Delivery to the UK is usually within 5 to 7 days.
Unit 16, Vauxhall Estate, Wrexham, LL14 6HA